Tag Archives: Australia

The Sydney Siege


When I moved back home and would talk to people about Sydney, they would ask me what about Sydney made me consider living my life there or still yearn to live there. My answer was always the same: Not only is Sydney beautiful and clean, but — aside from the spiders of course —it is an incredibly safe and family-friendly city.

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Shitbox Rally| When a New Yorker Meets Outback Australia


“We are going 100 km per hour down the Gibb River Road in a 1994 (Holden) Commodore. Keep a note of that, because of a lot of people would think that is absolutely nuts,” Renee said.

I dutifully write down her words: 100 km/h. Gibb River Road. Absolutely nuts.

But Renee and I weren’t in it alone.  In it with us was the six other cars in our group and the 243 other cars participating in the Shitbox Rally.

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Back to Australia

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I was nervous. My friends warned me that going back to Australia wasn’t going to be easy or hassle-free, and that I was going to get questioned.

So when I slipped my passport through to the immigration agent, who then waved on another immigration agent, I knew that the hour had come.

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Category: Australia, Perth | Tags: , ,

Fascinators, Moet and the Melbourne Cup

It’s referred to as the race that stops the nation – and though it lasts only just a few short minutes (it’s a 3.2 kilometre race), the revelry, parties and fashion lasts all day and all night long. It makes Tuesday feel like a Friday and makes waking up for Wednesday morning feel like a prison sentence that you’ve brought upon yourself.

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Alex’s Sunday Snapshot: Sydney Morning Herald Half marathon

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Naturally I wanted to celebrate my Sunday Snapshot piece with a post of my smiling face after happily finishing the Sydney Morning Herald Half Marathon.

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