Tag Archives: backpacking

Dear Indonesia


Dear Indonesia,

Tag, you’re it.

One of the hardest questions that travelers can be asked is, “What’s your favorite country?”.  It often sends our brains scrambling while an immediate, knee-jerk response like, “Ooooooh that’s a difficult one”, fills the quiet void that question created.

For me, the answer is you.

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Dear New Zealand

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Dear New Zealand,

I had such a hard time writing this letter, because I did not want it to come across the wrong way.

Please do not misunderstand me – you were the most beautiful of beautiful places I have ever been to.

Six countries smashed into one. That is the best way to describe the diversity, the purity, the bliss that you are.

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10 Things Travelers Need to Know about New Zealand

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New Zealand. It is a country that is sweet as, ‘ey.

Here are 10 interesting (and random) facts I collected throughout my five weeks traveling the country.

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How much does 5 weeks traveling New Zealand cost?

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I sat at my kitchen table for nearly five hours one Saturday afternoon trying to figure out my plan, budget and life.

Unfortunately I am terrible at math (which is why I became a writer) and completely overestimated the money I would have coming in from my last pay check, but I did not realise it until about a week into my New Zealand trip. This was no bueno, but there was nothing I could do.

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Darjeeling, India: Alex’s Sunday Snapshots

 [NoteAlex's Sunday Snapshots is a new weekly feature that will appear on The Write Way Around. I'll be bringing you photos from my travels around the world, as well as cities and countries I'm absolutely itching to travel to. This week I'm taking you to Darjeeling, India.]

Given my last post about my one of my travel photos being shared on Twitter, I decided to make my Sunday Snapshots feature about Darjeeling, the hillside station in India just opposite the border from Nepal that was mine and Molly’s first introduction into the months we’d be spending there.

Darjeeling, India, is a famous hillside station

India’s famous hillside station, Darjeeling is a place not to be missed in India.

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Category: Asia, Backpacking, India | Tags: , , ,